Friday, September 17, 2010

Beowulf Vocabular Homework Due Tuesday, September 21

Imagine you’re a scop…

Beowulf Writing

(Homework Practice for the Beowulf Test)

Directions: Become a scop; write part of an epic (10+ sentences) in which…

  • you create (and name) a conflict between a monster that represents a human vice (Grendel=violence, Grendel’s mother=revenge, the Dragon=greed, your monster=???) and a hero with Anglo-Saxon values,

(write three characteristics of an Anglo-Saxon hero on the lines below)




  • you incorporate three characters from Beowulf (put their names in bold or underline them),

  • you create five kennings (put the kennings in bold or underline them),

  • you write at least one sentence with alliteration (put the alliterating letters in bold or underline them, like this: “follow these five directions faithfully” or “follow these five directions faithfully”),

  • you use the words affliction, mail, mead, sentinel, sinew, and solace (put the vocabulary in bold or underline them).

On Thursday, I will read these brief epics in Tutu Ohsevvin, our (mead-free) Word Hall. (Authors will be anonymous just like the author of Beowulf.) We will vote for the one that is Most Anglo-Saxon and for the one that is Most Entertaining. The winners will receive five points on the vocabulary quiz.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Beowulf Vocabulary List and Study Cards

Beowulf Vocabulary

Create study cards (these can be index cards or cards made from regular paper) for each of the twelve vocabulary words. On one side of the card write the phonetic spelling of the word. (Clicking on the letters in parentheses below will take you to an easier to read version of the phonetic spelling.) On the other side write the word in the middle of the card. Write a definition in the top left corner, a synonym (word meaning nearly the same thing) in the top right corner, a picture in the bottom left corner, and an example in the bottom right corner.

For example: take the word "solace". Write sŏl'ĭs on one side of the card. Write solace in the middle of the other side. Write comfort in sorrow (the definition) in the top left corner. Write relief (a synonym) in the top right corner. Draw a stick-figure picture of a mother hugging a child in the bottom left corner. Write Beowulf defeating Grendel for the Danes (an example) in the bottom right corner.

All twelve cards are due on Friday, September 17, 2010.

Four SAT words that appear in Beowulf

af·flic·tion (-flkshn)

n. A condition of pain, suffering, or distress; A cause of pain, suffering, or distress.

2. mishap, trouble, tribulation, calamity, catastrophe, disaster. Affliction, adversity, misfortune, trial refer to an event or circumstance that is hard to bear.

1. relief, comfort, solace.

[Origin: 1300–50; ME affliccioun <>afflīctiōn- (s. of afflīctiō).]

sen·ti·nel (sěn'tə-nəl)
n. One that keeps guard; a sentry (a guard, a watch, a lookout).

[Middle French, from Old Italian, from Latin]

sin·ew (sĭn'yōō)

A tendon.

Vigorous strength; muscular power.

The source or mainstay of vitality and strength.

[Middle English, from Old English]

sol·ace (sŏl'ĭs)
n. Comfort (or a source of comfort) in sorrow, misfortune, or distress; consolation; alleviation; relief.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin]

Five words that will help us understand Anglo-Saxon poetry

al·lit·er·a·tion (-lt-rshn)

n. The repetition of the same sounds (usually consonant sounds) or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables, as in “on scrolls of silver snowy sentences” (Hart Crane).

[From ad- + Latin littera, letter.]

cae·su·ra also ce·su·ra (s-zhr, -zr)


Prosody. a break, esp. a sense pause, usually near the middle of a verse, and marked in scansion by a double vertical line

A pause or interruption, as in conversation
[Latin caesra, a cutting, from caesus, past participle of caedere, to cut off. See ka-id- in Indo-European Roots.]

ep·ic (pk)

n. An extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero (or any literary work, period of history, etc. resembling an epic)

adj. Related to a literary epic; Surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size; Heroic and impressive

ken·ning (knng)

n. A figurative, usually compound expression used in place of a name or noun, especially in Old English and Old Norse poetry; for example, storm of swords is a kenning for battle and wave traveler is a kenning for boat.

[Old Norse, from kenna, to know, to name with a kenning. See gn- in Indo-European Roots.]

scop (shp, shp)

n. An Old English poet or bard.
[Old English.]

Three words that will help us understand Anglo-Saxon culture

mail2 (ml)

n. Flexible armor composed of small overlapping metal rings, loops of chain, or scales. 2. The protective covering of certain animals, as the shell of a turtle.
[Middle English, from Old French maile, from Latin macula, blemish, mesh.]

mead (md)

n. An alcoholic beverage made from fermented honey and water.

weird (wîrd)

Of, relating to, or suggestive of the preternatural or supernatural.

Of a strikingly odd or unusual character; strange.

Archaic Of or relating to fate or the Fates.


Fate; destiny.
[Middle English from Old English wyrd, fate]

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Summer Reading

Click here for the summer reading assignment.

Click here for an examples of the format, writing a quotation, and responding to it. (Here you will also find the grading rubric.)

You must pass in the assignment (10 quotations and 10 responses in the proper format) by class time on Thursday, September 9. Even if you are absent you must have it in or it will not be accepted. This deadline applies to all students at Gloucester High School.